Unnoticed (The Secret Life of a Park Bench)

Park Bench Unsplash stock photo by Jie Wang.

Strangers desert you. They sit on your face. They spill their drinks on you, maim you with cigarette butts. Bums burp and die on your flat green belly. They all leave, just the same.

You’re one in a crowd of millions. Your face is everywhere, like a blade of grass. You are shackled by leg irons, obscured by advertisements, Marred by squirrels and graffiti artists. Even the plaque drilled into your head bears someone else’s name. And yet, you remain graceful and humble, despite your eternal damnation.

Your best friends are stoplights, trash cans, signposts, trees. You are related to each other, accidentally. Their skin and blood are burned into your body, Sewn onto you like the memory of a button.

At night, you dream of returning to the earth, reborn as a tree.
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Post by C.L. Irwin. All rights reserved.

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